long have we / I sat on it feverishly, and yesterday it finally happened: a SU workshop with me.
Biggie was our SU-Demonstratorin and has re-invented two wonderful projects for us that we have nachgebastelt during the day. It was a beautiful day and I think we had a lot of fun.
Here are some impressions from the workshop:
Earlier in the day, the table is almost empty and almost cleaned up. * Gg * Anja and Eike wait for the start of the workshop (or are they already at the shopping?).
Meanwhile, Heike is browsed in the many wonderful patterns from Biggie.
The first project completed and on the table almost no more inches remained vacant.
My results from the workshop. One box fits for 4 tea lights with Twisted EASL card and a photo card. was
Many beautiful Schenklis it all. It was like Christmas. Simply beautiful!
Thank you for stopping by. sends Greetings
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